Gamma Counter

The Gama Counter is User-Friendly instrument :

Product features :

  • Full automated system provides easy and fast performance with 5/10 detectors
  • Windows 10 O/S base and touch screen allow easy access for users
  • Systems connects and maintains the program up to date by automatic upgrade
  • RF-chip contains protocol information which saves user time and effort selecting protocol information each time
  • Saves up to 100 Assay Protocols and collects all assay result data in sequence of date
  • Detectors are designed as through hole type so each detector can be handeled separetely. It allows easier maintenance and decontamination of the detecting part
  • Worklist with sample information is transmitted from the network to the Gamma Counter
  • And even more functions : Compatible Rack System. Automatic Calibration. Automatic Tube Detection Sensor. Multi Channel Analyzer. Cross Talk. Spill Up/Down.


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