ImmunoAssays Tests

With many years of research, DiaSource ImmunoAssays ® S.A. is able to offer a wide range of clinical diagnostic tests based on RIA or ELISA technologies and which make it possible to detect, especially in the field of infectious diseases and endocrinology.

Adrenal Function & Hypertension

The DIAsource assays allow the quantitative determination of clinical parameters in serum or plasma aiming to evaluate the status of the RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM (RAS) or the RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE SYSTEM (RAAS), which, reflects the state of blood pressure.

The determination of Cardiovascular and Salt balance parameters such as 11-DOC, ACTH, Cortisol, Aldosterone, Angiotensin I and II, CBG, Renin, PRA, VIP, vasopressin (ADH) have applications in the treatment and monitoring of hypertension.


Autoimmunity is an immune response of an human organism against its own cells and tissues. This aberrant immune response results in many different disease. These diseases are called autoimmune disease.

Examples include Celiac disease, diabetes mellitus type 1, Sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögren's syndrome, Churg-Strauss Syndrome, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves' disease, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Addison's Disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Polymyositis (PM), and Dermatomyositis (DM).

Diagnosis of autoimmune disorders largely rests on accurate history and physical examination of the patient. In several systemic disorders, serological assays which can detect specific autoantibodies are employed: Autoantibodies are used to diagnose many autoimmune diseases and their levels are measured to determine the progress of the disease.

The actual growth in testing volumes – as appearance of autoimmune disorders is increasing steadily - will prompt clinical laboratories to employ advanced autoimmune disease diagnostic tests. Several autoimmune disease diagnostic tests however are designed for manual operation and the shortage of skilled technicians limits their use. This creates immense demand for automated diagnostic platforms that facilitate rapid and efficient testing.

The constant increase in new diagnostics parameters for autoimmune diseases, the evolution of clinical laboratory demands have led to the development of a complete new range of Auto-Immunity diagnostics kits.

DiaSource brings to market a totally new approach of auto-immune testing based on the latest state-of-the-art membrane technology (DOT). This DOT-technology combines simplicity and extraordinary clinical reliability with the possible identification of several autoantibodies in one single test. Together with a dedicated automated instrument, DIAsource Neptune, the diagnosis of auto-immune can be simplified and fully automated.

Characteristics of DIASPOT Technology

  • Immunodot technique (based on ELISA technology)
  • Support of reaction: nitrocellulose strip
  • Number of patients tested per kit: 24
  • Number of auto-antibodies detected: up to 12
  • Ready to use & color coded reagents and controls
  • Results: Qualitative or semi-quantitative (Neptune Quantification Software)

DIASPOT Neptune Technology

The DIASpot Neptune kits correspond to the current DIASpot kits, adapted for automation: the strips are mounted on a special plastic support and the reagents are provided in ready-to-use individual cartridges, to fit the NEPTUNE automated instrument.

DIASPOT Multiquant Technology

  • First Microarrays in auto-immune diagnostics
  • Up to 25 auto-antibodies detected and quantified per strip
  • Fully automated in 45 min with Neptune Instrument
  • Results in triplicate: Calculation for each results of mean value and standard deviation
  • Many built-in controls:
    • Reactive control or Positive control: validity of the test 
    • Conjugate control: control of the conjugate used
    • Substrate kinetic: validity of the substrate
    • 6 point calibration curve: quantitative interpretation
    • Quantitative results and validation of the test with the Neptune Quantification Software

Characteristics DIASPOT assays


Characteristics DIASPOT assays v1.png

Biogenic Amines & Neurosciences

Biogenic amine is a chemically imprecise term, which, by convention, includes the catecholamines: Epinephrine (or Adrenaline), Norepinephrine (or Noradrenaline) and Dopamine, the indoleamine Serotonin, the imidazolamine Histamine and compounds closely related to each of these. They are produced by decarboxylation of amino acids.

These biogenic amines play key roles in neurotransmission and other signalling functions.

The concentrations of catecholamines may be determined in serum, plasma, urine, other body fluids and even cell culture supernatants. The most commonly used methodology is HPLC combined with electrochemical detection. However this methodology is subject to analytical error, when synthetic sympatho-mimetic therapeutic agents, in comparatively high concentrations present, interfere with the quantitative determination of endogenous catecholamines. Peaks arriving from these synthetic agents will mask the biogenic amine peaks, making exact determinations almost impossible.

An alternative and more specific method for the determination of biogenic amines in any type of sample is immuno-assay, whether as radioimmunoassay (RIA) or enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

Bone Metabolism

Osteocalcin as an indicator 

Bones are continuously undergoing a dynamic process of resorption and absorption known as bone metabolism.

Signaling pathways on which bone metabolism rely include the action of several hormones, including Osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and Vitamin D. As Osteocalcin, the major non-collagenousprotein of the bone matrix, is manufactured by osteoblasts, it is often used as a biochemical marker, for the bone formation process.

A large number of studies indicate that serumosteocalcin levels reflect very well the rate of bone formation. The determination of blood levels of Osteocalcin is valuable for the identification of women at risk of developing osteoporosis Monitoring bone metabolism in several clinical conditions:

- During peri- and post menopause;

- During Hormone Replacement Therapy;

- Patients with GH deficiency, Renal osteodystrophy.

Cancer Markers

Serum tumor markers is a term commonly used to refer to molecules that can be detected in a blood sample by immunochemical methods.

Tumor markers are produced either by the tumor (cancer) itself or by the body in response to the presence of cancer or certain non-cancerous benign) conditions.


Cardiac Markers

Cardiac biomarkers are substances that are released into the blood when the heart is damaged or stressed. Measurements of these biomarkers are used to help diagnose acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and cardiac ischemia, conditions associated with insufficient blood flow to the heart.

Cardiac Troponin T (cTnT) is a protein specifically found in cardiac muscle cells and is part of the troponin complex that regulates cardiac muscle contraction. It is commonly used as a biomarker in clinical settings to diagnose and assess the severity of acute myocardial infarction (AMI).


Diabetes & Metabolism

Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. It is a disease characterized by persistent hyper-glycemia (high blood sugar levels). It is a metabolic disease that requires medical diagnosis, treatment and lifestyle changes.

There are three main forms of diabetes : Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes (or Type 3, occurring during pregnancy), although these three “types” of diabetes are more accurately considered as patterns of pancreatic failure rather than single diseases.

  • Type 1 is due to autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing cells
  • Type 2 and gestational diabetes are due to insulin resistance by tissues. Type 2 may progress to destruction of the insulin producing cells of the pancreas, but is still considered as Type 2, even though insulin administration may be required.

Since insulin is the principal hormone that regulates uptake of glucose into most cells from the blood (primarily muscle and fat cells, but not central nervous system cells), deficiency of insulin or the insensitivity of its receptors play a central role in all forms of diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is a chronic disease, and emphasis is on managing short-term as well as long-term diabetes-related problems. There is an important need for patient education, nutritional support, self glucose monitoring, as well as long-term glycemic control.

Drug of Abuse

DiaSource offers a rapid test for the diagnostic of Nicotine and Cotinine for drug of abuse. The purpose of this rapid chromatographic immunoassay is to detect Cotinine (nicotine metabolite) in human urine.

Cotinine is the first-stage metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that produces stimulation of the autonomic ganglia and central nervous system when in humans. Nicotine is a drug to which virtually every member of a tobacco-smoking society is exposed whether through direct contact or second-hand inhalation.

In addition to tobacco, nicotine is also commercially available as the active ingredient in smoking replacement therapies such as nicotine gum, transdermal patches and nasal sprays.



In order to understand the causes of infertility and the role modern infertility treatment plays in assisting conception, it is useful to look at the natural process - a woman's ovulatory cycle and the production of sperm in the male - and the hormones that play a major role in those processes.

The gonadotropins are hormones that primarily affect the ovaries and the testes. They regulate the development and hormone-secreting functions of these organs and contribute to the production of sperm in the male and to the development and maturation of eggs (oocytes) in the female.

Three gonadotropins are essential to reproduction: human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH), human luteinizing hormone (hLH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). FSH and LH are secreted by the pituitary gland situated beneath the brain. Their secretion is controlled by another hormone, the gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH) produced by the hypothalamus. hCG is primarily produced by the placenta following successful implantation, and plays a role in maintaining pregnancy.

Androgen is the generic term for any natural or synthetic compound, usually a steroid hormone, that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. This includes the activity of the accessory male sex organs and development of male secondary sex characteristics. Androgens, which were first discovered in 1936, are also called androgenic hormones or testoids. Androgens are also the original anabolic steroids.

They are the precursors of all estrogens, the female sex hormones. The primary and most well-known androgen is testosterone. A subset of androgens, adrenal androgens, includes any of the 19-carbon steroids synthesized by the adrenal cortex, the outer portion of the adrenal gland (zonula reticularis - innermost region of the adrenal cortex), that function as weak steroids or steroid precursors, including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), and androstenedione.


Gastrointestinal Metabolism

Several disorders can cause severe gastrointestinal problems such as stomach inflammation/cancer, atrophic  gastritis, duodenal ulcer or irritable bowel syndrome.

DIAsource has developed various tests based on the determination of Pepsinogen I and II, Helicobacter pylori, Calprotectin or Trypsin in serum or plasma to allow a diagnostic accordingly.

Growth Factors

Growth factors stimulate cell proliferation, wound healing and even sometimes cellular differentiation.

Assessment of growth in stature is an essential part of the pediatric examination. Growth is an important index of physical and mental health and of the quality of the child’s psychological environment; chronic problems in any of these areas may be reflected in a decreased growth rate. Some growth factor such as, IGF-1, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3 and Somatomedin-C can be detected with immunoassays offered by DIAsource.


Hematology markers provide a comprehensive view of a patient's blood composition and function.

They serve as diagnostic clues, helping healthcare professionals identify and manage a wide range of medical conditions, from anemias and infections to clotting disorders and leukemia.

These markers are essential tools for delivering timely and accurate medical care, enabling early intervention and better patient outcomes.

Hepatic Function

The liver has a significant role in metabolism, digestion, detoxification, and elimination of substances from the body.

Diagnostic tests can help determine the area of hepatic injury, and the elevation pattern can help organize a differential diagnosis"

Infectious Diseases

For each infectious disease, its test

All diseases caused by the invasion of an infectious agent such as a bacteria, viruses, parasites, prions or fungi are called infectious diseases. The degree of contagion and the way to contract them varies according to the diseases.

Some examples of infectious diseases are measles, syphilis, hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, malaria, varicella zoster,… All the Diasource tests offers a way to diagnose these diseases2

Inflammation Markers

Clinical studies show that many cytokines play a crucial role in cancer, infectious diseases, allergy, inflammatory, autoimmune diseases and graft rejection.

Measurements of cytokine levels are useful for understanding pathogenesis and as diagnostic and prognostic indicators. Cytokines may be pleiotropic (one cytokine, multiple effects), redundant (multiple cytokines, one effect) and antagonistic (one cytokine inhibits another cytokine).

Cytokine actions may be grouped into five broad areas :

  • Development of cellular and humoral immune responses
  • Induction of inflammation
  • Regulation of hematopoiesis
  • Control of cellular proliferation and differentiation
  • Induction of wound healing (cicatrization)

DIAsource supplies parameters such as Cyclosporine, Interferon Gamma, Interleukines (IL-1B, IL-6, IL-8 ,IL-10) and Tumor Necrosis as products categories as Immunology markers.

Thyroid Function

A complete panel of immunoassay tests

The complete Thyroid panel proposed by DiaSource allows the quantitative determination of parameters such as T3, T4, Free T3, Free T4, TSH, Thyroglobuline, Anti-TPO, TgAb, TSH-R-Ab, Reverse T3, aiming to diagnose disorders such as Thyroid cancers, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Grave's disease.

Testing thyroid hormones T4/FT4 is the more usual way to detect thyroid disorders. It consists in detecting the amount of thyroxine in the blood. Depending of the test results a patient can be diagnosed among others in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. 

Radioactive Decontaminant Solution

Decontanimant products are soap products used to rinse or wipe the surface to wash away all the radioactive dead germs.

These products can be use on differents surfaces without corroding metal, plastic or any other surfaces. These products are available under form of spray reday-to-use or hands soap refills. 




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